Saturday 11 January 2014


TO DO WHAT HEART SAYS!!  to follow what comes from within,  Pay conscious attention to the voice that comes from inside.  Have you guys felt that!  Like some voice comes from inside and telling you to do something, It’s more like nagging or knocking you to start doing it.

I have had that a lot of time, when I look back now I realise that how I have been ignoring that voice over some meaningless things.  Like I have been feeling urge to Illustrate and design for as long as I can remember and I sit once in a year to do that as well but all other time I am like let’s watch some T.V or do something else and then will do that. And that time never comes. I seem to drag it make excuses for so long that the inner calling eventually melts down. But then it does come again and again.

Worst of all I have been complaining to god that why is my career not moving ahead, Why I am not lucky enough to just get some opportunity!! I complain when I am frustrated but when I consciously look back I realise that it’s only because of the missing effort and nothing else.
I have always been waiting for a miracle from God, But the problem is that I am asking God questions, I am getting answers too. Just not choosing to pay attention to it or act on it.  I know that I need be constant with my work and it requires more effort.
Now I decide to pay full attention to inner voice and act on it.  And I can surely do with some help; I would love inspirations and reminders.  Let’s see who can help me stick to my resolution.  Biggest helper has to be myself.

I will keep you informed on  how is my new years resolution going :-)


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